The things I do in this life not only affect me but those around me. I have come to the realization that we create a ripple effect. Speaking from my own life experiences and a variable past I can now move forward in the directions I need to. We are responsible for the decisions, words, friends and actions we choose. Looking back at my life I wouldn't change a single thing I have done, I refuse to live a life of regrets. 

I am writing this in hopes of positively impacting those around me and that have put in so much time and effort that has allowed me to be where, who, what I am and will become. We are all bound by friendships and blood without each and everyone of you this text you read would never have happened. I am sparing you all the details cause they are unnecessary.

I want to thank all of you for being in my life and continuing to be there no matter how many times I face plant. We are the support systems woven into one and other for reasons no one knows. I would like for you to acknowledge my deepest and most sincere gratitude and for feeding me, giving me beer, giving me hell, the memories that can never be replicated and the memories we have yet to create.

You all play a special part in my life and thats fucking awesome, some have played bigger roles and some have left, but to those here I hold a level of respect and gratuity that can never be measured.

AJ Omstead Jr
"Continue in forward motion and we shall meet"
Composed on my front porch


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